A Step-by-Step Guide to Laravel Packages Development in 2025

Easy development, scalability, and clean syntax make Laravel a popular choice. One of Laravel’s strengths is its reusable code modules, which simplify the development process for developers globally. These packages extend functionality across projects. Building a Laravel package, whether for personal use or public distribution, can greatly enhance the success of your project.

This tutorial walks you through creating a Laravel package in 2025. You will learn how to create, structure, test, and publish your package, ensuring that your Laravel applications remain easy to maintain.

What is a Laravel Package?

Before entering the development process, let’s discuss the Top Laravel Packages. A Laravel package is a collection of reusable components such as routes, controllers, views, commands, or configuration files bundled into a standalone module.

You are permitted to:

  • Reuse code between projects, saving development time.
  • Share with the community at Laravel.
  • Extend the core features of the Laravel framework in a modular way.

Examples of Top Laravel Packages

  • Spatie Laravel Permission: Manages user roles and permissions.
  • Laravel Debugbar is a debugging tool for your Laravel application.
  • Laravel Socialite – it simplifies OAuth authentication.

These are just a few examples of packages widely used by developers to enhance productivity. With this guide, you’ll be equipped to contribute to the community by developing your own Laravel Develop Package.

Step-by-Step Guide to Laravel Package Development

Step 1: Setting up your development environment

Before one builds a package, they needs to have the appropriate tools. These will be;

  • PHP 8.2+ (Laravel’s current requirement in 2025)
  • Composer – The PHP dependency manager.
  • Laravel 11+ – what is new in 2025?
  • A code editor like VSCode, Sublime Text, or PHPStorm.

To confirm your PHP and Composer version, use:

php -v
composer -v

Step 2: Create a new Laravel package

Begin by creating a directory for your package outside of your Laravel Develop Package project to keep things modular:

mkdir my-laravel-package
cd my-laravel-package

Using Composer initialise a new package

composer init

Enter the package details as per the on-screen instructions:

  • Vendor Name: the namespace of your package, glorywebs, for instance.
  • For instance, the package name is your awesome feature.
  • Description: A short description of what your package does.
  • Author: Your Name and E-mail.

It automatically produces a composer.json file with all of the package metadata and its dependencies.

Step 3: Organisation of your proposal

Structure your package folder in the standard Laravel structure. This would be like so:



├── src/                # Main package code (controllers, models, etc.)  

├── tests/              # PHPUnit tests  

├── composer.json       # Package metadata  

├── LICENSE             # License file (MIT recommended)  

└── README.md           # Documentation for your package

You will put all the logic for your package inside the src directory.

Step 4: Add Service Provider and Facade

The application will have the use of a Service Provider for loading routes, views, or configuration files.

Service Provider

Then define in SRC/ a class of SERVICE PROVIDER with the given command:

php artisan make:provider AwesomeFeatureServiceProvider  

Add the service provider logic:


namespace Glorywebs\AwesomeFeature;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class AwesomeFeatureServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider


    public function boot()


        // Load routes, views, and migrations


        $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.’/views’, ‘awesomefeature’);


    public function register()


        // Register bindings and facades



Facade (Optional)

If your package exposes reusable functionality, consider using a Facade. Here is an example:

  1. Define a facade class.


namespace Glorywebs\AwesomeFeature;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;

class AwesomeFeature extends Facade


    protected static function getFacadeAccessor()


        return ‘awesome-feature’;



  1. Bind it in the service provider’s register method:

$this->app->singleton(‘awesome-feature’, function () {

    return new AwesomeFeatureClass();


Step 5: Test the Package Locally

You can test your package locally by installing it in a Laravel project prior topublishing:

  1. Go to your Laravel application.
    2. Link this package using Composer.

composer require “path-to-my-laravel-package” –prefer-source  

This will load the package and allow you to test its functionality in a live Laravel project.

Step 6: Write Unit Tests

Testing is the important phase of development that will ensure that your package works according to expectations. Test your package with PHPUnit: End

Test example


use Glorywebs\AwesomeFeature\AwesomeFeature;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class AwesomeFeatureTest extends TestCase


    public function test_functionality()


        $feature = new AwesomeFeature();

        $this->assertEquals(‘Expected Result’, $feature->doSomething());



Run tests using:


Best Practices for Laravel Package Development 

While creating a package, follow these best practices: 

  • Document well – Should have a README file to explain how to install and use it. 
  • Follow PSR-4 autoloading standards – Make sure your package follows modern PHP standards. 
  • Include versioning – Use semantic versioning for easy updates. 
  • Tests-Include – unit tests that prove it to be reliable. 
  • Keep it updated – Your package is always compatible with the latest Laravel versions. 

Leverage Laravel development service

For businesses that do not have in-house expertise or don’t have the time, partnering with a Laravel Development Service can be a savvy move. Expert Laravel developers can design robust, scalable, and reusable packages specific to your needs, save time, and reduce technical debt. 


Creating a Laravel package in 2025 allows developers to build reusable, modular, and efficient solutions for their projects. By following this step-by-step guide, you can successfully Laravel Develop Package & contribute to the growing Laravel community. 

The role packages play in the Laravel environment is significant that mastering how to build one places one among the élite ranks of developers. From solving that common problem, enhancing features of the core Laravel installation, or creating something one-of-a-kind, opportunities are boundless. 

If you’re looking for inspiration, explore some of the Top Laravel Packages on Packagist and GitHub. You’ll see how developers worldwide are pushing the boundaries of Laravel to new heights. For expert guidance, a customized Laravel solution, or simply the right partner for your next big project, visit glorywebs—your trusted gateway for Laravel development.