App review of in CALICO Journal, Vol 37, No 2 (2020)

Learning Technology Review:
Hiromi Nishioka DOI: 10.1558/cj.38229
Abstract ( is an application (hereafter app) designed to promote (personalised) English vocabulary learning. The primary learning activities users can engage in with the app include: 1) taking short personalised online quizzes; and 2) learning or consolidating vocabulary by accessing immediate feedback. The website describes the strengths of learning vocabularies using the app by stating it as “the quickest, most intelligent way to improve vocabulary”.
In addition to the quiz, provides multiple functions to promote user vocabulary learning including: 1) online dictionaries; 2) vocabulary lists; 3) vocabulary games; 4) spelling practice while listening to the pronunciation; and 5) progress reports.
Resource Type: Journal (issue, paper) |
Contributor: ton-koenraad
Organization: Calico
Resource Language: English |
Target Language:
Costs: Open License |
Year: 2020
Curriculum area:
CEFR Levels:
Educational Context(s):