Resource Inventory
Journal: ‘KorDaF- Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache
KorDaF- Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache The journal Ko...
Do the processes underlying destination-language acquisition differ between recently arrived refugees and other new immigrants? Based on a well-established model of language learning according to which language fluency is a function of efficienc...
Age and learning environment: Are children implicit second language learners?
Children are thought to learn second languages (L2s) using primarily implicit mechanisms, in contrast to adults, who primarily rely on explicit language learning. This difference is usually attributed to cognitive maturation, but adults also rec...
The present study examines both properties of the language and properties of the learner to better understand variability at the earliest stages of second language (L2) acquisition. We used ...
How Can Teachers Maximize Engagement among Multilingual Students?
Inclusive learning strategies and programs for your classroom by: Dr. Jim Cummins...