Linguacop is the CATAPULT Community of Practice for language teachers. If you are curious about who we are or what we do, check out the About Us page and this introduction video.
Germany is known for its excellent education system, high-quality universities, and abundant opportunities for international students. If you're planning to study in...
Pursuing an MBA is a significant academic achievement, but the journey doesn’t end with classes and exams. One of the most crucial steps in completing your MBA program...
Once you are looking for a new job, your resume is normally the first thing that your possible employer usually sees. And that implies you will need to write really...
For centuries, education has been at the forefront of civilization. In the present context, teachers strive to find better methods of teaching that make the learning...
Journal: ‘KorDaF- Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Contributor: Ton Koenraad
KorDaF- Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache The journal Ko...
Contributor: Frans Oosterholt
Do the processes underlying destination-language acquisition differ between recently arrived refugees and other new immigrants? Based on a well-established model of language learning according to which language fluency is a function of efficienc...
Contributor: Ton Koenraad
Contributor: Ton Koenraad
Age and learning environment: Are children implicit second language learners?
Contributor: Frans Oosterholt
Children are thought to learn second languages (L2s) using primarily implicit mechanisms, in contrast to adults, who primarily rely on explicit language learning. This difference is usually attributed to cognitive maturation, but adults also rec...
OECD Policy Responses on the Impacts of the War in Ukraine What we know about the skills and early labour market outcomes of refugees from Ukraine
Preply, the language app known for its live tutors, closes out Series C at $120M and doubles down on AI
Exploring the significance of English-based communication for a community of medical academics in a public university teaching hospital in Algeria
EU Parliament: REPORT on fostering and adapting vocational training as a tool for employees’ success and a building block for the EU economy in the new industry 4.0
ETAS Professional Development Day 2023: ELT from A to Z – with a focus on English for Specific Purposes, 2 September 2023
ECML Publication: Rethinking language education after the experience of Covid – Final report available for download.
Find a list of (recent) EU project descriptions & results aiming to provide (language) support to refugees and migrants.
The Refold community is a network of connected Discord servers for people using Refold to learn languages.
Xefjord’s Complete Language Series was created with the mission of providing FREE language learning courses for every known living language.
Tensions experienced by teachers of Dutch culturally diverse senior secondary vocational education and training: An exploratory study
Free Webinar, Wednesday 24 May 2023 : Linguistic diversity in the language classroom: some practical ideas
Partnership of schools and civil society organisations to support education of students of varied linguistic backgrounds—The situation in the Czech Republic, Italy and Spain
English for the workplace – looking for new answers – Evan Frendo (IATEFL Harrogate 2023 plenary summary by Sandy Millin)