ECML – ICT-REV Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources

Key reference tool Developed by the ECML project ‘Using ICT in support of language teaching and learning (ICT-REV)’. This activity provides training in the application of pedagogical principles in teaching languages with technology and promotes the effective use of ICT tools and open resources in support of quality language teaching and learning.

The ICT-REV team ran the international webinar: Taking your language teaching online! A webinar for language teachers 

The session was well attended and highly interactive with some tools being demoed. Attendants asked a wide range of questions, wanting to be informed about specific apps and licences.

Also available in French:
and German:


Resource Type: Software (Review) Repository | Teaching & Learning Resource |
Contributor: ton-koenraad
Organization: ECML
Resource Language: English |
Target Language:
Costs: Free |
Year: 2013
Curriculum area:
CEFR Levels:
Educational Context(s):