Les Outils Tice (Information and Communication Technologies for Education tools)

Outils Tice (Information and Communication Technologies for Education tools) is a comprehensive and well categorised database offering descriptions of software and digital hardware tools targeted at general Education.
It has become one of the essential references in its field with more than 150,000 visits per month and a newsletter with more than 18,000 subscribers (figures for August 2017).
It also offers both a free and premium version of its weekly newsletter and publishes annual trend reports.

Resource Type: Software (Review) Repository |
Contributor: ton-koenraad ton.koenraad@tellconsult.eu
Organization: Owner: Fidel Navamuel, Journaliste and Teacher in Paris, France
Resource Language: French |
Target Language:
Costs: Free |
Curriculum area:
Domain: Education and Culture |
CEFR Levels:
Educational Context(s):