Resources and papers presented at the 2020 online Eurocall gathering


This Padlet page offers an overview of (abstracts and ppt’s for) papers and posters presented at (the online version of) the 2020 conference of EUROCALL the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning.

One of the contributions of specific interest for our community (and teachers of Italian in particular) is ‘Data-driven learning for languages other than English: Charting the territory’ (Forti et al., 2020) presenting MALT-IT2. This stands for “Measuring automatically the level of texts for second or foreign language learners of Italian”. It is a freely accessible online tool that assigns an inputted text to a specific CEFR level. This can be a great tool for producing customised teaching and learning materials.

Resource Type: Conference Proceedings | Publication (report, (e)book, infographic, flyer) |
Contributor: ton-koenraad
Organization: EUROCALL
Resource Language: English |
Target Language:
Costs: Open License |
Year: 2020
Curriculum area:
CEFR Levels:
Educational Context(s):