The Lingua+ Project supporting teaching a host country language to migrant and refugee students.
Lingua+ is the project within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme that strives for bringing a more holistic approach to adult learning by merging important aspects of socio-cultural adoption with state- of-the- art methods in the host country language acquisition.
The Lingua+ Teacher Training Course Guide and MOOC present the core input of Lingua+ project and offer a tool to build growth mind-set for educators working with adult immigrants. The Guide and MOOC are complementary parts of the whole.
The Lingua+ online Course (MOOC) is a tool for autonomous learning. It contains the project resources chosen by the Lingua+ team, assignments and self-assessment on the learnt subjects and presents six different units:
Adult Learning Principles in Language Teaching
Motivating Migrants into Language Learning
Cultural Awareness in the classroom
Promoting Civic Competences to Migrants
For the LinguaCoP community the Lingua+ Handbook for language teachers, trainers, volunteers (available in 5 languages: English, Czech, Greek, Icelandic and Italian) is of particular interest and relevance.
For more details and an overview of all the project’s resources go here
Source: [Epale newsletter, July 2020] Basic skills learning provision
And, also recommended,: EPALE News and EPALE resources