Latest publicity campaign leads to registrations increase for the upcoming CATAPULT MOOC
Registrations for the project’s online professional development course on LSP teaching appear to have been boosted by the recently started publicity campaign. Since partners were called upon to help intensify use of social media to promote the upcoming MOOC and membership of its Community of Practice ‘LinguaCoP’, registrations, particularly for the MOOC, have increased dramatically.
With both platforms available since the beginning of September the 44 registrations since the start of the campaign (28 September) are in sharp contrast with the average of some 7 registrations in the previous two weeks.
In addition to posts on communities on Facebook and LinkedIn contributions sent to a number of relevant related projects and organisations, such as the EU Platform EPALE, Mercator European Research Centre and SCILT were also published through their mailinglists, newsletters or website news sections.
Our Twitter activities were also noticed and retweeted by the EU Erasmus+ organisation.
Great to see so many positive reactions, also now and then leading to renewed contact with colleagues known from previous professional communities and activities.
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