Few will dispute the need for refugees to learn the language of the host country as quickly as possible. But we all know that the government does not always provide the means to have the refugees trained by professionals. What would your reaction be, as a professional language trainer, if there are not enough resources for paid language training?
In the project ‘VOLUNTEERS IN LANGUAGE LEARNING FOR REFUGEES’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union they come up with an interesting solution to make language training cheaper without undermining the position of the professionals: teachers involve volunteers in their language training for refugees.
They even made a toolkit for language teachers who want to work well with volunteers, in order to support refugees to learn the language of their new country.
You can access their site here: https://volunteersinlanguagelearning.eu/
And the toolkit for teachers here: https://volunteersinlanguagelearning.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Toolkit_for_Teacher_EN_30.08.19.pdf
Image by Laura Shaw from Pixabay