In case you are using WordPress you can also create interactive content by adding the H5P plugin to your WordPress site. See e.g. Catapult partner TELLConsult’s website for an implementation on a WordPress site trialling the Drag & Drop content type using text from a locally developed, small corpus on LSP teaching & learning: a paragraph of CATAPULT MOOC participant Nergiz Kern’s publication ‘Benefits of technology use in ESP’
For an impression of the functionality of the H5P content type ‘ Interactive Book’ see the online version of the ‘Benefits of technology use in ESP’ article used as preparation for a TELLConsult workshop on collaborative web-based reading here using the Interactive Book functionality (standard available on Drupal CMS based websites)
For more info on the H5P tools see this blog posted earlier EdTech, Authoring tools: H5P – LinguaCoP