EU project “LSP-TEOC” offers free, multilingual LSP Teacher Education Online Course

The European project “LSP Teacher Education Online Course for Professional Development” (LSP-TEOC.Pro) run by a strategic partnership consortium consisting of ten member institutions. Nine of these institutions are directly involved as teachers of languages for specific purposes (LSP) and the tenth is the British research organization Arcola Research Llp. The objective of this project is to provide students and teachers of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) with a multilingual online course which will allow them to acquire the competences needed for a successful implementation of teaching languages in a specific context. This course will be taught online (also known as distance learning, e-learning or web-based learning, among others), as online teaching has recently become one of the main characteristics of the 21st century educational system (Tsai & Machado, 2002).
Find more info on participation options in this document: LSP-TEOC.ProBooklet.pdf

EU Project ‘CATAPULT’ to launch MOOC and Community of Practice platform for LSP teachers

The latest developments in the EU Project ‘CATAPULT’ – Computer-Assisted Training And Platforms to Upskill Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) Teachers include the realisation of the beta version of the project’s Teachers’ Community of Practice (CoP) ‘LinguaCoP’. This platform supports LSP teachers to find & share resources and tips and with its matching tool ‘LinguaClick’ facilitates professionals to offer their services, also internationally.
View this short presentation video to see what this online CoP has in store for you and become a member for free.

Furthermore we gladly announce the start of the second (revised) edition of the free online course (MOOC) based on the LSP competence framework on October 10, 2020. Watch this video to get a sneak peek at what course participants can expect. Those interested can already register here:

For more details about these and other project developments see the online version of the latest Newsletter.

Project website: Twitter: @ProjectCatapult
Ton Koenraad on behalf of Catapult partner TELLConsult