The European project “LSP Teacher Education Online Course for Professional Development” (LSP-TEOC.Pro) run by a strategic partnership consortium consisting of ten member institutions. Nine of these institutions are directly involved as teachers of languages for specific purposes (LSP) and the tenth is the British research organization Arcola Research Llp. The objective of this project is to provide students and teachers of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) with a multilingual online course which will allow them to acquire the competences needed for a successful implementation of teaching languages in a specific context. This course will be taught online (also known as distance learning, e-learning or web-based learning, among others), as online teaching has recently become one of the main characteristics of the 21st century educational system (Tsai & Machado, 2002).
Find more info on participation options in this document: LSP-TEOC.ProBooklet.pdf
Teaching materials webshops
Interesting development: language teachers who offer their teaching materials for a small price in their own webshop. Two examples: This site has some free resources, such as Teaching tips and Songs, and lots of materials you can buy for a small price, or through purchasing a member pass.
Another example: For teachers of adult and business ESL students. Stella, the founder, states: ‘I firmly believe students learn best through topics that align with their own interests and this is what The English Flows strives to achieve: provide teachers with lesson plans on topics that are current, engaging and relatable, with clear focus on activities that will encourage conversation and free expression.’ The site offers three subscription plans, one of which is free of charge if you register.
Are there more sites like this? Please let us know in a comment below. And do you think this is a good development? Would it be a good idea if LinguaCoP would bring together all these (semi)commercial initiatives?
Image: Kids Club English
‘One Day CATAPULT Workshop in Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes in Adult and Higher Education’.
ICC Home Page:
EUROCALL 2020 online confererence
The theme of the EUROCALL 2020 conference is: CALL for Widening Participation.
It is organised by the Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use (CIP) in Copenhagen and was planned to take place on South Campus from 19 to 22 Aug 2020.
Because of the Corona measures, this year’s conference cannot take place in the usual way. Alternatively, the Eurocall gathering, an online program of workshops and SIG symposia, will be organized during the originally planned days. For more details (program, registration, costs etc.), please get connected ready for our #eurocallgathering event